Friday, April 26, 2013

Featured Artist: Dr. Barbara Holt

Dr. Barbara Holt is our first featured artist. She is the past president and one of the founders of the Ouachita Artists.

Barbara Holt, Ph. D., liked to draw when she was a student in the Mount Ida schools, and dabbled in art as an adult.  After earning her Bachelors Degree at Ouachita Baptist University she returned to teach one year at Mt. Ida, then taught for seven years in junior and senior high schools in California and Washington, D. C.  She spent five years teaching abroad, starting with the Peace Corps in Chile, UNESCO in Ghana and Costa Rica, and short term research and consultancies in Sierra Leone, Jamaica, Brazil, Malaysia, and others.  Her advanced degrees were earned at Cornell University in New York.  She taught at Louisiana State University for over 20 years, then retired from the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Arkansas.  She returned home to live in Montgomery County County fifty years after her family moved to Arkadelphia, and finally has time to spend developing her talent. She still likes to draw, but her major works now are in oils.  She likes to paint the beauty of the Ouachita Mountain waters and woods.



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coffee Painting

We have a painting done in coffee by Daisy McDonald. It is being offered on silent auction.

April 7 Open House

We had an open house on Sunday afternoon April 7. Previously I showed the children's artwork that was displayed. These are just random pictures of the open house.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Children's Art Show and Open House

Ouachita Artists Gallery & Studio opened their door for an Open House and Children's art show on April 7th at 1-3p.m. We had several pieces of art from Mount Ida schools to showcase. Here are shown a few:

We had a special young artist from Oklahoma who sent her portfolio. She is the granddaughter of local business owners in the area and is very very talented. She stays most of the summer and is always taking any art workshops the gallery offers.